Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Celebrity Comments

I got a celebrity comment, I got a celebrity comment!!

Now whether he is a d-list celebrity or an A-list celebrity, I am not sure.

But here is the comment:

Ryan Mayberry has left a new comment on your post "Dear Jon and Kate":
Hey... I randomly came across your country boy/city girl blog because I was searching to see if my song showed up in search results. It's called "Country Boy Met a City Girl" - you two might like it. It's on my myspace at

Now I know you are like who is Ryan Mayberry? I had the same question. I googled his name, and found out that he won the reality game show with 50 cent. But it actually got cancelled before the end.

So what does that make him? I listened to the song, and well its not the best I have ever heard, but it was not awful.

But he is the most famous person to comment on my blog!

3 Ways to Agree/Disagree with me!:

Anonymous said...

Lol, I hope he does not come back and read your song review! I am cracking up ;-)

That is pretty neat getting a random shout out from a real singer. You never know who Google will send your way, huh?

Kristina P. said...

Wow, you are like second cousins, twice removed from being famous now!

Anonymous said...

Lol, you are getting all sorts of interesting comments now.... maybe it's time you got a word verification thingy.