Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ode to Momma

Mothers Day

So today is Mother's day. This is the first Mother's day that I have two mothers. My momma and my mother in Law.

But this is to my momma. She has always been there for me no matter what. I love her.

When I was in kindergarten I was a latchkey kid, along with my brother. My parents worked and that is all they knew. But my mother provided for me like we were the richest kids in the universe.

She is absolutely the best mom. Yes she gives me lots of lectures on everything I do or ever done. Maybe that's the reason I was never a bad kid. Her spankings hurt but her words cut to the bone.

28 years ago today she was 7 months pregnant for me with a 16 month old baby at her side. I gave her complete joy when she birthed me all natural in an hour. Her screaming in pain and not being able to have drugs was probably the best moment in her life. When she gave birth to my brother she had the wussy drugs, so she didn't feel anything. I love that that was the reason I am the youngest.

My mother just gave me the wedding of my dreams even though she complained the whole time about how much it was going to cost. I love her.

She came from nothing and now owns a successful business with my aunt. They brought it from nothing.

I am not a mother but I don't want to be yet. I need to grow and mature. But when it happens, I hope it will be great. They can write a blog about me in 30 years.

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