Sunday, November 2, 2008


Usually I have a few commenters, but in the last 3 post I have not had any. Good thing I looked at my bloggy friend Mrs. D and she informed me through her comments, that she could not comment.

I tried the new commenting thing that most blogs I see have now, but obviously that is not working, so I am going back to the old one.

Geez and I thought no one was finding my blogs funny!!

4 Ways to Agree/Disagree with me!:

Mariah said...

Hey, it seems to be working...

Dalton Gang said...

:) I kept trying to comment on your search post but couldn't get it to work. I thought I had something disabled on my computer. Glad it is fixed! How in the world do you know all of that info on who searches for what and where?

Anonymous said...

Aahhhh.... much better. I hated not being able to comment! Glad you fixed it :-)

Melissa said...

Hey go to google analytics, I am not sure on the spelling and set up an account. Its free. Just google it.